Welcome to the Book of Revelation for Dummies – borfd.com

What's That You Say About The Book Of Revelation For Dummies?
What’s That You Say About the Book of Revelation for Dummies?

Who You Calling A Dummy? DUMMY!

Probably NOT you. Chances are though (since you’re here), you’ve been victimized by one or more Dummies. Also known as “End Times Prophecy Teachers & Preachers.”

You’re wondering “How can I tell?”

That’s simple. If your answer to any of the questions below is

“Yes, I believe ______________”

  1. In the Pre-Tribulation Rapture

  2. “The Antichrist” is an evil demonic person/world leader yet to arrive.

  3. 666” is the “Mark of the Beast

4.  Daniel’s 70th Week is the Great Tribulation


And you’re not alone. I was too. We’ve recently learned the news we listened to all our lives is fake. We believed it was true because all the major networks reported the same news. Had to be true right? WRONG! It’s the same with modern end-time doctrines. They’re fake too. And like the “news”, they’re preached and promoted by most all the popular “Christian” mouthpieces, AND, like the news they’re a multi-billion-dollar industry.

Also, like the “news”, people are increasingly looking for truth in preaching from voices in the wilderness of the internet. Undoubtedly why you’re here today.

Take The Red (blood of Jesus) Pill

As with the Book of Revelation (and more importantly), Christianity and the Salvation Message were also corrupted. You (most likely) unknowingly took the Blue Pill that has you living in a manmade alternate Christian reality the Bible clearly warns about in Mark 7:13 KJV “Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.”

Where do you think these many such like things do ye traditions come from? Mostly from the historical comingling of God’s people with false pagan religions (as chronicled throughout the Old Testament), starting as far back as before Noah’s flood.

Because of the influence these old pagan religions have in the world, it wasn’t long before Christianity became a religion and started incorporating pagan practices and beliefs like Christmas, Easter, Good Friday, Repentance, Communion rites, Idol / angel / mother / saint worship etc, but it didn’t start like that.

Those who were there in the beginning after Jesus ascended, like the Apostles and others, called what they were preaching “The Way.” “The Way” was preached as a personal relationship with God the Father THROUGH being Born From Above (aka born again), by your trust and faith in Jesus Christ the Son. The Apostle Paul tells us in his letter to the Romans, that kind of faith and trust is found by repeatedly hearing the good news of the Gospel. Romans 10:17: “So then Faith Cometh by Hearing, and Hearing by the Word of God”


Did you come to know Jesus through repeated hearing of the Gospel?
Or did you repeat some magical salvation prayer formula
you heard on television, read somewhere,
or were you bullied into it by a Christian headhunter? 

To see if you were a victim of a false Christian conversion.

Ready to proceed now?

Benefit of the doubt regarding the Book of Revelation for Dummies
Benefit of the doubt regarding the Book of Revelation for Dummies

Going forward, give me the benefit of the doubt about what you were taught about the Book of Revelation. Our tour starts with a crucial Orientation message that will add a perspective about the Book of Revelation you’ll need to prepare you for the journey ahead.

I’ll see you on the bus after your orientation!

click it!